Tuesday, November 3, 2009

change of plans

So after thinking and rethinking I've come up with a completely new story idea - I finally felt the 'ah-ha' moment and I've decided to do my multimedia project on Justin.
Justin passed away when I was a freshman here at UNH. Now being a senior I feel like I have a lot to say about my grieving period while being a student. It will be an interesting challenge to act as both journalist and subject but I'm so passionate about the topic, I know it'll come out great.
I am going down to Washington, D.C. next week for what would have been Justin's 25th birthday (he died when he was 22) and for Veteran's Day. The trip will make for a good opportunity to get some still shots and possibly audio and video for the end of my multimedia - pictures of his gravestone and of myself and his family will probably be used towards the end.
I'm going to start out the project by reflecting on me and Justin - give a little snapshot of what we were like as a couple. I have voicemails Justin left me and I'm going to try to intertwine them throughout the project. As I discussed with Sandy today, I'll sit down with a camera and a friend and recount when I found out and go from there. A lot has happened - from therapy, to trips to North Carolina, to getting Hero (a dog) from Iraq. I want this to be personal but journalistic. I think because of my background (in journalism) I've always thought of what happened to me as a story that needed to be told - and who better to do it and in what better way than as a multimedia piece made by me.
I have a lot of stills as it is, LOTS of pictures of us together all the way down to the last picture I ever had with him, a picture of me with his casket in Arlington Cemetary. As a said before, a lot of the audio will be me narrating my experience but I'm also going to "interview" Justin's parents, my roommate at the time and still best friend, Liz Aleo, as well as my parents - all of whom watched me get torn down and slowly try to rebuild my life. My story isn't over, as I'd say I'm still coping with what has happened, but I've definitely come a long way from where I was March 5, 2007.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I get to see this project someday!
    Love you girl!
    Jen Sproehnle
